Friday, December 17, 2010
1 more to go
I am enjoying every second of my study now. Left with half a year more and that's the end of my student life, forever.
I hate working.
But have to work, so as to survive. That's life.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Last day of presentation
Ended with strategic management presentation today. The following major group projs were done:
Strategic management: The Sapphire - eco-boutique hotel in Sapa
Services marketing: Inner Harmony Wellness Resort
Econs of tourism: China Outbound Tourism
Current undertaking includes FYP: "Destination Marketing: A comparative analysis between Singapore and Hong Kong." Still more than half undone.
Gonna start ma exam next fri. Suddenly i miss exam. Projs haf overwhelmed mi n gave mi few times of nightmare.
Oh, went universal studio evening admission on sat. 5 bucks onli. but onli can roam around hollywood section. gonna start revision proper.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tis sem was really heavy on mi. Because I went china and was absent from school. No regrets though.
Went orchard central do proj after school. On de way there i went to guardian pharmacy, food republic n uniqlo. Realised later I lost ma book which I carried by hand.
Went back to guardian pharmacy, de staff said din see it. I remembered placing the book on de counter.
Then went to food republic, and was told no lost book was returned.
Never mind that. I went to uniqlo, de staff said din see it too.
In de end I went back to guardian, and requested to see cctv because I was not convinced. It has shown that I have brought the book along when I left after purchasing 2 bottles of mineral water.
I went back to food republic and requested to see cctv, but de security man said the camera wasn't pointing towards where I was seated.
In de end I went back to uniqlo again, approached the counter staff and tis time round, dey said they found it.
Unlucky day.
Reached home and ma best friend nb told mi her ipad had gone missing at swensen's in vivocity. she placed it on de table and moments later it was gone. she oso requested to see cctv but de manager said need 1 working day. while dey walked into de cctv office, waitresses shouted at my fren even. de waitresses then picked their bags and left. lol. wat a scene to make in front of customers. some people just aren't meant to be in service line. just like me. i prefer planning and strategy more. back office =)
okay now i shall continue wif ma services marketing proj. servicescape, servicescape n servicescape.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Numbed is my heart
Lost my iPhone few weeks ago, now laptop is going to spoil anytime... and today? My bicycle was being stolen while I parked it at tanah merah mrt station. I think the thief must be really poor... even a 79 bucks' bicycle oso don't let off. Maybe because my bicycle looks beautiful. Coz I'm good at buying a product cheap and looks good. Tat's a true value-for-money item.
Now I gotta walk that lonely long road home. 10 mins! Cycle onli needs 3 mins.
If onli got circle line to ma block.
Lost so much at one go. Don't feel anything liao. Numbed. Better to lose maself oso. Life sucks.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Villon's wife
Yesterday went raffles city to study, and bumped into mel. Then we shared table to study, had dinner at 8 plus at ion. Hokkien mee was nice but costs 5.50 bucks.
Today stayed home till 7 plus before having dinner at bedok north market..
Many assignments to clear and if onli i can outsource some of them.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Mum's birthday
Saw many idols carrying a signboard with korean words written on it, as they screamed and ran around like crazy. Dunno which korean star it was.
Went ya-kun before going home.
So tired.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Lucky day
Although I don't like to stay in Singapore, I feel proud holding that red passport when i'm overseas.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Long weekend
Been reading up on strategic management and doing some research on Banyan Tree.
And then I stoned for the whole day because of the rain.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The photocopy room
I was given the opportunity to photocopy textbooks in the reference library, which would otherwise cost me a bomb if I were to purchase them. (More than 7 textbooks by now).
My mentor was an auntie who works in the photocopy room. From the moment I stepped into the room, she would start off by saying: "2-sided? Book type? etc etc......"
Now I am confident in doing the work by myself, and making the necessary adjustments accurately (otherwise I would waste 1 cent for every print that wasn't well-aligned).
Photocopy machines these days are so advanced. Not only do they have only one button "start," they have many other functions requiring me to tap into my intuition and correct judgment before I hit on that button, in order to yield the best print result.
If there is a module on the complexities of modern photocopy machines, I think I can get 'A' for it.
When can I ever graduate from the photocopy room?
Photocopying work is so mundane. But still, it is better than having so many projects to clear for this semester. If only they just require me to flip from right-to-left, right-to-left, right-to-left...
My brain is now functioning from right-to-left as well (and hope you do so too in order to get an understanding of my core idea):-
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Heart attack
So many projects are flooding in.
Strategic Management module alone has 6 projects to do (although no final examination). I rather sit for final paper in this case. Exchange student from Canada seated beside me was shocked.
It is really a courageous choice for those exchange students to choose Singapore's universities (SMU, NTU or NUS) as their host universities (although most of them only need to transfer either a 'pass' or 'fail' grade back home). If I have a choice I will choose to go somewhere more relaxed.
I got a total of 5 modules today, or 6 if final year paper is to be included.
- Services marketing
- Accounting 2
- Strategic management
- Economics of tourism
- Personal information
I will be amazed if I won't collapse even when lying horizontally on bed one day.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Back to school

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tune Hotel Danga Bay
Had foot reflex in Festive Street Market - 38 MYR/1hr. Cheap cheap. In Singapore, I pay 38 SGD/40mins. Foot reflex is good because it aids in blood circulation. I felt pain when they pressed the acu-point on sinus and gastric... Very true. Cos I always wake up having running nose, and food never gets digested in my stomach. Too much gastric juice.
Next time I go I must tell that old lady from Chiangmai to be gentler, cos I had to walk back to the hotel limply. Power!
Napped in the room until it was dinner time. Bought 1 roti boy from that same market which I had to walk for 10 minutes. Then had mee rebus which doesn't taste like our usual mee rebus. Cos the mee rebus that I ate was indonesian style. Still it was a good try and new experience, and I turned out to like it.
Watched a show on National Geographic on air disaster. After I slept I dreamt of 1 old lady committing suicide by jumping down a building. Today news reported the crash of an Air China flight in China.
Reached back MBS at about 12nn.
Took bus to Esplanade and walked to Raffles City. Met mum, sis and jeck. Had lunch at Shokudo before checking into Fullerton Bay Hotel room 620. Sis booked for her 3 nites stay there to celebrate her birthday.
One night 388 SGD! Very nice hotel. I loved the pool overlooking Marina Bay.
Mum and I walked to MBS for dinner. Fried rice tasted horrible! Plain. Char siew puff was so dry. Both of them wasted the space in my stomach! Could have filled it with something better. I don't usually fuss over food, and when I does, you know the standard.
Left with 4 more days to play before school starts on mon. Finally.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Back from Australia
For once I felt soooo tired jetting around!
My trip to Australia was relaxing though.
Some uniqueness about Australia:
- Aussies can wear t-shirts and shorts with slippers in winter
- Most don't wash hands after pee-ing
- Fish & chips!
- 3.50 AUD per mineral water bottle
- Friendly with lots of smiles
- Shops close by 6pm
And I met a mad woman at the hostel! She can really talk nonstop. Was telling me how Australia should learn from Singapore by banning chewing gums. Got one time she sat on it at the bus stop and had to waste 9 AUD sending it to the laundry.
The next day, she repeated the same old story to other hostelites while we were in the kitchen.
The first moment I saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House, I was soooooo excited! But after a few minutes, I felt that they were nothing special. Its only that our version is called the Benjamin Sheares Bridge and the Esplanade respectively.
Melbourne? I like it better than Sydney. At least our drive to the Great Ocean Road was something memorable. But then, after a few minutes of driving along the coast, we see the same thing - sea after sea!
I still enjoy Japan more.
Oh well tomorrow have to go collect my dental retainer at 9.30am at SGH! sigh... i am lacking of sleep.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Consultation with prof
Met GIP groups on Sentosa Island. Watched Songs of the Sea performance. Dinner at Carl's Jr. in Vivocity. Tired.
Friday, July 30, 2010
iPhone 3GS
Another rainy day.
Going to take a nap now.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Back from Beijing
Beijing was extremely hot and stuffy. But the dry weather made me sweat lesser than I would in Singapore. The air was forever bad, with very poor visibility. Dusty roads. I still prefer Shanghai and Suzhou anytime.
Enjoyed Peking Roasted Duck the most and the turtle soup at 全聚德烤鸭店. Expensive though! At about S$40 per pax for dinner with only three dishes in total. Yet there were many Chinese tourists patronising the famed restaurant, besides foreign tourists.
Flew to Xi'an (18 July 2010) and I found the Army of Terracotta Warriors stunning. They were excavated in 1974, after being discovered by a nearby village digging a water well at that time.
Went to Inner Mongolia (19 July 2010) as well. Stayed at a Mongolian Yurt for a night (20 July 2010), and the weather at night and the next morning was chilling, with vapour that came out from my mouth when I speak. Regretted not bringing along a jacket. The Mongolians work only during summer season from June to August. Come September temperature drops and snow starts falling in October. Winter temperature dips as low as minus 30. No tours come after August.
Rode a horse for two hours, until my hips and butt ached. After my china trip, I could manoveur a horse! And ride with confidence. Most Chinese from Northern China know how to ride a horse since young, because it is their transport.
My butt got a second blow the next day (21 July 2010) when I rode on a camel. Thank God the weak-looking camel could not run, but sauntered along the desert path as though it would collapse anytime due to heatstroke.
On the bus back to the city, a french guy seated behind me asked: "Is this bus going back to Hoh-hot?"
Hoh-hot is the capital city of Inner Mongolia. I replied "yes, going back to Hoh-hot."
Then I told dearie that I should have said we're going back to "Hot-yit" (which means very hot in cantonese) and not Hoh-hot!
Got back to Beijing (23 July 2010), visited Temple of Heaven and had Peking Roasted Duck for the next two nights!
Joined a tour to Tianjin (24 July 2010), the fifth busiest port in China, but it wasn't busy at all. I can't see any cargo-lifting work in action. It was 1.30pm, and perhaps the workers were still taking an afternoon nap. The tour bus stinked like hell. I wouldn't want to remember this unpleasant experience, but I wouldn't want to forget that I have to carefully choose the right tour operator next time. No more CYTS!
Still, I would say the Great Wall (25 July 2010) is still the most marvellous structure amongst the other six wonders of the world. Even surpassed the colosseum in Rome. Needless to say, Tower of Pisa.
This Zha Jiang Mian 炸酱面 that I had at the Great Wall filled my final night in China with unforgettable trips to the toilet, even in the sky back to Singapore. SIA should consider installing TV in toilets. So I can come out only when it's about time to land.
A simple cup, above a simple sky. Don't you think I have a flair for marketing photography? I love this pic the most.
Went for my second IPL treatment yesterday at Vivocity. Had an injection on my face after doing carbon peeling. Carbon peeling was kinda unbearable due to the high heat. Felt as though a construction worker was performing soldering work on my face.
Dental appointment today. Paid almost 140 bucks for my broken retainer. Met jc and jm for fyp project discussion, amidst an impending stress. So I went running at Bedok Stadium.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
IPL Laser
Went cycling with ken this morning. Cycled from home to ecp to changi village. Then had nasi lemak for lunch. Then cycled back to ecp and then home. Took 3 hours man! That's the longest bike ride ever.
Met sis and bro-in-law for dinner at Dian Xiao Er in Tampines One today after my haircut. I still think singapore's salons are more ethical and skillful.
Gonna sleep now. Early flight to beijing tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
方大同 Singalong song 正式MV版
My china friend said I looked abit like 方大同 when I wear specs, but he's way much taller than me.
And so, I got this song dedicated to me as farewell. Learning piano in China is cheap. At only 100 yuan (22 sgd) per hour.
Friday, July 9, 2010
At Genting now
Checked out at 1130. Walked to KL Sentral but was told that the 12noon express bus to genting was full. Have to wait for 3pm. In the end spent 24 ringgit for sharing taxi with a family of 3 - father from switzerland, mother from indonesia.
I became an uncertified tour guide explaining the height of the mountain, facilities and recreation at Genting, widening of mountain access roads in recent times etc. They ask me why Singaporeans still come here since we have 2 casinos in Singapore. The only reason I can give is the high entrance fee. 100 bucks per entry. Genting package only 80 bucks.
Why Genting will win the bid to set up casino in Singapore? Otherwise the 100 bucks levy won't work.
If the two casinos were run by Sands and MGM Mirage, Genting Highlands will definitely unroll extraordinary casino promotion deals to entice Singaporeans. Now that Genting has a casino in Singapore, it cannot put forward such deals perhaps due to the fear of cannibalising effect?
To put it nicely, of course Genting has experience in the Asian market, so this is a winning factor.
Again, today's journey seemed shorter and I reached Genting Highlands about the same time as mum.
Got room 7144 at Genting Hotel. Renovation on-going, so this time round I'll rather stay at First World Hotel.
Went to gym, ran and performed yoga before using the jacuzzi, steam bath and sauna. Costs me 60 ringgit! But sweating that calories out is more important to me now.
Had claypot chicken rice which costs me about 16 ringgit. Nice though. Southeast Asian food is indeed more appetising, although I have not much preference, anywhere! Had gui ling gao and herbal tea to cool down.
Dusk falls
Slept for two hours till 10 plus and came to coffeebean to use wifi.
Going back to room soon.Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Parting time
This morning was especially difficult for me as I made my way to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport. Even more difficult when I had to pay 58 yuan for a plate of distasteful yangzhou fried rice and 25 yuan for a can of coca-cola which could be bought for 6 yuan and 3 yuan in town respectively.
Landed at 7.20pm, helped 2 vietnamese women with immigration cards, and chatted with a china man from the low cost terminal all the way to KL Sentral while on the bus. Asked me how to get jobs in Singapore, told me he likes Singapore alot, and that Singapore is very safe.
Checked into Hotel Sentral. 157 ringgit. Got room 914. Ate mee siam goreng with teh tarik at Old Town for 5.40 ringgit in total. Super nice! At least this cheered me up. Returned to room and realised the hotel did not provide toothpaste. So I have to make my way down again to the minimart.
Going to sleep now. Meeting my mother tomorrow in Genting. Another reason to be happy.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Humble Administrator's Garden
Of particular interest to me initially was the Tower of Reflection (倒影楼). But it turned out to be nothing more than a corridor's shadow being reflected on the water.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
First three days of July
A bar along Shiquan Street (十全街) where my salon is located
Final stop was Times Square (圆融时代广场). On the way there I saw a guy carrying umbrella. The sun here is indeed harzardous. Especially now that heatwave is sweeping across China, in what seems like an outdoor sauna. You'll sweat just by standing outdoor in less than 1 minute. But I don't detest it, because I know this will help me burn my calories.
Outside Auchan Supermarket (欧尚超市)
九光 Department Store in Times Square
Went to a dessert outlet and have coconut sago (海底椰西米露) and a banana pancake. Beside my table were Singaporeans. 1 of them was so "yaya" (arrogant) when demanding that the service crew be "快点!" (faster). That fat ugly man.
Walked to Moonlight Harbour (月光码头), which is my favourite spot, to see it for the one last time, and to say goodbye.
This ferris wheel (摩天轮) is where I visited first and foremost when I reached here in January; it always reminds me of Singapore Flyer and Marina Bay
In fact, Suzhou industrial park is very much like Singapore, with plenty of tree-lined boulevards, and high-rise apartments.
Dinner at a crab specialty restaurant (迷宗蟹).
Second Day of July (Fri)
Went to the gym in the morning. Boarded a bus (no. 2) wanted to go to Lingyan Mountain (灵岩山) but got off the bus 2 stops later due to the sweltering heat. Returned home and slacked before going to Hanshan Temple (寒山寺) at 3.30pm instead after the weather got better, even though still hotter than Singapore. Taxi from home was 37 yuan. Entrance fee 10 yuan (student). Went in to ring the bell 3 times inside a pagoda 5 yuan.
Visiting temple in China isn't like visiting temple in Singapore. Temples in China can earn big bucks from entrance fees and sale of joss sticks (some 60 yuan and upwards depending on the size and popularity of the temple).
Being a poor student like me, I can only afford to press both of my palms together, and drop 2 yuan coins into the donation box.
Took a bus to Guan Qian Street, and then bus 178 to Xiangmen (相门) where I had dinner at a street known as 相门后庄 with full of foodstalls. I had cold noodles (凉面)
Third Day of July (Sat) - Today
Went to Mudu Watertown (木渎水乡古镇) and Lingyan Mountain today. Was super sunny and hot when I left home, but upon reaching it was drizzling. Hate the rain. The former paled in comparison with Zhouzhuang, Tongli and Zhujiajiao watertowns. And with the summer season into play now, trees are growing thick into what looks like a tropical rainforest to me.
Lingyan Mountain reminded me of climbing Bukit Timah Hill, with a temple at the top and boasts of good view of Suzhou city and beyond (entrance fee 1 yuan, cheapest joss stick here 10 yuan). The walk downhill was challenging. Fell once due to the steep incline and slippery path with algae. Then almost slipped another time.
同人不同命啊 (Same human, different lives)
Reached back to my neighbourhood at 4pm and went to the gym till 5.05pm.
Had dinner at In City of spicy soup mee hoon (麻辣汤) but I requested for non-spicy.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Postal office
借景 - a window 'lending' the view from outside
Went for massage at 刀馬旦 from 6pm to 7.30pm (masseur no. 157 was good) before buying 台灣香腸滷蛋飯糰 for 10 yuan for dinner and a vegetable soup for 3 yuan. Headed for In City and saw that a hard disk (500 gb) costs about 800 plus yuan. So in the end I did not buy. Only bought a refillable facial cleanser bottle from Muji for 10 yuan, because I left it at the hotel in Zhengzhou.
Reached home at about 9 plus.Tuesday, June 22, 2010
So fast it's mid-week
Too dusty
When I opened the drawer in the wardrobe, I was shocked to see winter clothes still lying around (because I thought I had handed them all over to mum and sis for them to bring back when they visited me in April)
And oh, yesterday was the official start date for summer season, known as "夏至" where, according to ronald, people in the past would eat salted duck eggs and hang salted duck eggs around their neck... at least I don't see people hanging such things now, or it will be a laughing stock.
Had dinner at a food court in In City, yong tau foo-like.
Today I went to the gym in the morning, and then went to highlight my hair at a salon called 丝度发型 because I wanted to use up my credit on the VIP card that I bought in February. As usual, the stylist will keep pressing me to choose a higher price category, but this time round, I am not to be swayed by their hard selling tactic! I got cunning as well, and said I forgot to bring the VIP card, so that they cannot check the balance and persuade me to top up more money.
After dying, the stylist kept asking me to buy a hair treatment at 80 yuan (about 18 sgd). I said no it's ok. He continued saying it's good, and even said it's not expensive. My heart was saying: "If not expensive then you pay for me lor!" But of course, I remained silent and not giving him any facial expression. He kept quiet.
After the hair cut, I flashed my VIP card at the stylist's face, and I could see his expression changed! HAHA. I just said "oops, I thought I forgot to bring."
Now I am still left with a balance of 68 yuan. Shall go for a hair wash and massage at 45 yuan next week. The remaining credit I will give back to the salon for free (or as tips haha).
Passed by a small roadside along Feng Men Road (封门路) leading to Suzhou University, selling street-side food. So I sat down to have my late lunch. Ate noodles (凉面) and seaweed soup (紫菜汤) for only 3 yuan and 1.5 yuan respectively.
Returned home and then went to the gym again for body jam lesson at 1915 hrs, and then to In City.
Shall sleep now.