Monday, June 28, 2010

Postal office

Went gym this morning despite the drizzle. Returned home to pack my items to be freight back to Singapore. Carrying the luggage down the stairs from the 5th level was no joke. Brought it to the postal office nearby and then purchased a cargo box for 10 yuan. Transferred all the items from the luggage to the box.

Weighed 18 over kilogrammes and costs me almost 280 yuan. Still cheaper than paying excess baggage fee at the airport.

Bought Subway Today's Special "Seafood Sensation" at 15 yuan.

Returned home and after eating that sandwich, I went to Suzhou University to collect my certificate of attendance.
While walking to the bus stop, saw a minor accident. Few days ago I heard loud skid on the road while waiting for the bus. But did not see any accident. Anyway, the way the locals drive are bound to have accidents everywhere.

Then went to Cang Lang Pavilion (滄浪亭), which is a garden. Entrance fee costs 30 yuan.

借景 - a window 'lending' the view from outside

Went for massage at 刀馬旦 from 6pm to 7.30pm (masseur no. 157 was good) before buying 台灣香腸滷蛋飯糰 for 10 yuan for dinner and a vegetable soup for 3 yuan. Headed for In City and saw that a hard disk (500 gb) costs about 800 plus yuan. So in the end I did not buy. Only bought a refillable facial cleanser bottle from Muji for 10 yuan, because I left it at the hotel in Zhengzhou.

Reached home at about 9 plus.