Bought train tickets to Zheng Zhou city in Henan Province yesterday, for my trip tomorrow. The train will depart at 10.35, and will reach only at 0006 after 13 hours 13 mins of journey. Returned home to pack my stuff for my return back to Singapore. I'm starting to miss Suzhou now.
Too dusty
When I opened the drawer in the wardrobe, I was shocked to see winter clothes still lying around (because I thought I had handed them all over to mum and sis for them to bring back when they visited me in April)
And oh, yesterday was the official start date for summer season, known as "夏至" where, according to ronald, people in the past would eat salted duck eggs and hang salted duck eggs around their neck... at least I don't see people hanging such things now, or it will be a laughing stock.
Had dinner at a food court in In City, yong tau foo-like.
Today I went to the gym in the morning, and then went to highlight my hair at a salon called 丝度发型 because I wanted to use up my credit on the VIP card that I bought in February. As usual, the stylist will keep pressing me to choose a higher price category, but this time round, I am not to be swayed by their hard selling tactic! I got cunning as well, and said I forgot to bring the VIP card, so that they cannot check the balance and persuade me to top up more money.
After dying, the stylist kept asking me to buy a hair treatment at 80 yuan (about 18 sgd). I said no it's ok. He continued saying it's good, and even said it's not expensive. My heart was saying: "If not expensive then you pay for me lor!" But of course, I remained silent and not giving him any facial expression. He kept quiet.
After the hair cut, I flashed my VIP card at the stylist's face, and I could see his expression changed! HAHA. I just said "oops, I thought I forgot to bring."
Now I am still left with a balance of 68 yuan. Shall go for a hair wash and massage at 45 yuan next week. The remaining credit I will give back to the salon for free (or as tips haha).
Passed by a small roadside along Feng Men Road (封门路) leading to Suzhou University, selling street-side food. So I sat down to have my late lunch. Ate noodles (凉面) and seaweed soup (紫菜汤) for only 3 yuan and 1.5 yuan respectively.
Returned home and then went to the gym again for body jam lesson at 1915 hrs, and then to In City.
Shall sleep now.