Friday, June 11, 2010

Last day of work

Yesterday was my last day of work, ended earlier than expected! Was even more happy when boss gave me an extra 1000 bucks, in rmb unfortunately, but better than nothing?

Went Guan Qian Street to buy a book titled "英语导游教程" (tour guiding in English) and "写在旅游研究边上" (Research on Tourism Industry). And also a map on Beijing because I'll be there next month.

While I was in the bookstore near the main entrance (4 storeys in total), I heard a familar accent asking "请问这里有没有英文的书har?" Saw quite a few tour groups from Singapore, and I realised it's june school holiday now.

Ate fried eggs with tomato and rice at a 米线 outlet with ronald after we knocked off. Gone walk walk awhile before returning home. Is that my farewell dinner? Omg..

Gonna have farewell dinner with 3 other colleagues tomorrow.

Went running in the gym today. Have been running everyday for almost a month. 5km each time and now my joints and knees are really painful.

Ate salmon at In City again (3 plates this time instead of 4 plates, each sushi plate costs 6 rmb). Bought kiwis, mangosteen and tomatoes, green beans to reduce heat, and vegetables (dou miao) for dinner. And also "bi luo chun" (碧螺春) - 50 rmb - green tea leaves from Suzhou.

Winter made my appetite grew extremely huge, so I ate alot few months back. Now that summer is here, I have to shed some fats away. Believe it or not, I got very full eating half of the rice portion now as compared to winter. So I gave the other half to my colleagues or had to throw away.