Sunday, June 13, 2010

Farewell dinner

Had my farewell dinner yesterday at Guan Qian Street before going ktv. A taiwanese and japanese cuisine restaurant.

My farewell gifts...

A keepsake since I don't know really use it... 488 yuan!
I like blue, so I'm always having "blues" - no wonder!
Although the size fits me, but I can keep a small chicken inside
From Shanghai World Expo - Romania Pavilion

And this?? Oh! It's my dinner. Initially it was one piece. I thought of heating it up in the microwave so that its oil will secrete and I can absorb it using tissue paper (health-conscious); who knows the salted egg exploded inside the microwave - what a mess!

Thank God its not the whole microwave that had exploded... now I have 1 more phobia besides phobia of height.
Going to bed soon. Yesterday had insomnia again. This time round caused by hazy weather condition due to forest fire somewhere. And irritating mosquito bites!