Saturday, July 3, 2010

First three days of July

First day of July (Thu)

Went to find my colleagues for lunch after gym near where I worked for the past six months. Had omelette fried rice at a restaurant called New Island Coffee along Zhuhui Road (竹辉路). Only 28 yuan. Purpose for finding them was also to have them help me print out my e-ticket.

Booked an AirAsia flight from Hangzhou to KL next wed. Then I will meet mum for Genting before returning back to Singapore on Saturday.

Time really flies. 6 months just whizzed past in a slow blink of eyes. Yesterday seems like 13 Jan 2010. That dinner at Dian Xiao Er in T3, that Braun Buffel wallet that I received.

Anyway after my lunch, I went to buy ticket for the airport coach. Suzhou, being a booming financial city, has no airport unfortunately. The nearest airport is either in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuxi or Nanjing. To Shanghai and Hangzhou, it's about 2-hour bus journey. Sickening~

Went to a salon which I still had a prepaid card with credit left unused worth over 60 yuan. So I decided to go for a thai style head massage for 30 plus yuan. Now I'm still left with 30 plus yuan. But don't think I am going anymore. Each time I enter a salon in China I will have stage fright. Because there are many staff standing there, countless pairs of eyes looking at you. Low labour cost. That's why.

A bar along Shiquan Street (十全街) where my salon is located

Final stop was Times Square (圆融时代广场). On the way there I saw a guy carrying umbrella. The sun here is indeed harzardous. Especially now that heatwave is sweeping across China, in what seems like an outdoor sauna. You'll sweat just by standing outdoor in less than 1 minute. But I don't detest it, because I know this will help me burn my calories.

Outside Auchan Supermarket (欧尚超市)

九光 Department Store in Times Square

Went to a dessert outlet and have coconut sago (海底椰西米露) and a banana pancake. Beside my table were Singaporeans. 1 of them was so "yaya" (arrogant) when demanding that the service crew be "快点!" (faster). That fat ugly man.

Walked to Moonlight Harbour (月光码头), which is my favourite spot, to see it for the one last time, and to say goodbye.

This ferris wheel (摩天轮) is where I visited first and foremost when I reached here in January; it always reminds me of Singapore Flyer and Marina Bay

In fact, Suzhou industrial park is very much like Singapore, with plenty of tree-lined boulevards, and high-rise apartments.

Dinner at a crab specialty restaurant (迷宗蟹).

Second Day of July (Fri)

Went to the gym in the morning. Boarded a bus (no. 2) wanted to go to Lingyan Mountain (灵岩山) but got off the bus 2 stops later due to the sweltering heat. Returned home and slacked before going to Hanshan Temple (寒山寺) at 3.30pm instead after the weather got better, even though still hotter than Singapore. Taxi from home was 37 yuan. Entrance fee 10 yuan (student). Went in to ring the bell 3 times inside a pagoda 5 yuan.

Visiting temple in China isn't like visiting temple in Singapore. Temples in China can earn big bucks from entrance fees and sale of joss sticks (some 60 yuan and upwards depending on the size and popularity of the temple).

Being a poor student like me, I can only afford to press both of my palms together, and drop 2 yuan coins into the donation box.

Took a bus to Guan Qian Street, and then bus 178 to Xiangmen (相门) where I had dinner at a street known as 相门后庄 with full of foodstalls. I had cold noodles (凉面)

Third Day of July (Sat) - Today

Went to Mudu Watertown (木渎水乡古镇) and Lingyan Mountain today. Was super sunny and hot when I left home, but upon reaching it was drizzling. Hate the rain. The former paled in comparison with Zhouzhuang, Tongli and Zhujiajiao watertowns. And with the summer season into play now, trees are growing thick into what looks like a tropical rainforest to me.

Lingyan Mountain reminded me of climbing Bukit Timah Hill, with a temple at the top and boasts of good view of Suzhou city and beyond (entrance fee 1 yuan, cheapest joss stick here 10 yuan). The walk downhill was challenging. Fell once due to the steep incline and slippery path with algae. Then almost slipped another time.

同人不同命啊 (Same human, different lives)

Reached back to my neighbourhood at 4pm and went to the gym till 5.05pm.

Had dinner at In City of spicy soup mee hoon (麻辣汤) but I requested for non-spicy.