Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back from Australia

My trips for this year have ended, finally.

For once I felt soooo tired jetting around!

My trip to Australia was relaxing though.

Some uniqueness about Australia:

- Aussies can wear t-shirts and shorts with slippers in winter
- Most don't wash hands after pee-ing
- Fish & chips!
- 3.50 AUD per mineral water bottle
- Friendly with lots of smiles
- Shops close by 6pm

And I met a mad woman at the hostel! She can really talk nonstop. Was telling me how Australia should learn from Singapore by banning chewing gums. Got one time she sat on it at the bus stop and had to waste 9 AUD sending it to the laundry.

The next day, she repeated the same old story to other hostelites while we were in the kitchen.

The first moment I saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House, I was soooooo excited! But after a few minutes, I felt that they were nothing special. Its only that our version is called the Benjamin Sheares Bridge and the Esplanade respectively.

Melbourne? I like it better than Sydney. At least our drive to the Great Ocean Road was something memorable. But then, after a few minutes of driving along the coast, we see the same thing - sea after sea!

I still enjoy Japan more.

Oh well tomorrow have to go collect my dental retainer at 9.30am at SGH! sigh... i am lacking of sleep.