Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heart attack

Today is May-Day or D-Day. Sigh.

So many projects are flooding in.

Strategic Management module alone has 6 projects to do (although no final examination). I rather sit for final paper in this case. Exchange student from Canada seated beside me was shocked.

It is really a courageous choice for those exchange students to choose Singapore's universities (SMU, NTU or NUS) as their host universities (although most of them only need to transfer either a 'pass' or 'fail' grade back home). If I have a choice I will choose to go somewhere more relaxed.

I got a total of 5 modules today, or 6 if final year paper is to be included.

- Services marketing
- Accounting 2
- Strategic management
- Economics of tourism
- Personal information

I will be amazed if I won't collapse even when lying horizontally on bed one day.