Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to school

Woke up at 6am. Have never woken up so early this year to attend school, save for catching early flight! Back in Suzhou I woke up only at 7.40am everyday for work when the sun was high up in the sky (during summer) or just nicely bright (during winter).

Reached Pioneer station at 7.45am, just nice for me to have a plate of duck rice. Never before have I eaten duck rice so early in the morning. But my appetite is the biggest in the morning. I can also eat a packet of nasi lemak.
I eat more because I have to attend 6 hours of lesson straight, from 0830-1430 without any lunch break.
Still feeling abit sad because from now until next year June I will be busy like siao. Because of final year project. Many exchange students in my class. I thought I was in America! But one student from Hong Kong. So envious of them now.