Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Prof stabbed

Statistics quiz yesterday sucks. Got only 8/14. It was not because I didn't know how to do, but a few marks had been deducted because I did not click "submit!" Until siao zhar bor shouted at me upon seeing my time clock is still running. LOL.

Got a shock upon hearing siao zhar bor beside me shouting over the phone when her friend called to say a prof had been stabbed and the culprit had committed suicide. What a hoo-hah.

Personally, I will side the student (yes, one-sided perhaps?), because few people in the right mind will do such an act had the prof been nice and supportive. My mind was hoping it was Prof Stewart Arnold! He's really the biggest idiot for he is unethical!

Imagine if NTU was a listed company. Wah! Immediately stock price plunge =)

Started using Pioneer Station yesterday, and sunset was so beautiful.