Intially wanted to go swimming upon waking up. After putting on ma trunks, thick dark clouds set in...

The rainy season is here *guarantee chop!*
In the end I settled at home to do 1 past year paper on research methods. Was sooooo difficult. Mental block. Rain stopped and I was in need of a good de-stress.
Decided to head out to east coast park for a good cycle. Weather was perfect. Felt like I was in aircon room.
Learnt how to cycle with free hand. Now I confirm I learn much better when i'm by maself. When kc was around, I could not last for tat long.

I like tis bike pic most.

I can't imagine maself sitting there for hours, waiting to fish! I'll rather be fished.

As dusk falls and sun set...

"i SCREAM for ice cream"
Decided to indulge maself in this ice cream. I realised tis daes when I eat ice cream, I'll giggle to maself... Tis ice cream is nice, although Mac's vanilla ice cream is even nicer - such that it made mi tripped 2 steps on the stairs 2 days ago in citylink as I was so engrossed in frolicking it...
thank god ma leg isn't fractured.
I am re-energised =)
To ma gud fren cum bestest clubbing kaki shawn who's enlisting for army tomorrow, all de best man! I've got one less pole partner.
2 years no doubt is an utter waste of time (equivalent of $15,000 opportunity cost per year for my case about 3 years back), but it will whiz past in a "slow blink of eyes" - a quotation from bahnu.
Oh, and 2 years later, where will I be?

Goodnight Singapore.