Sunday, July 31, 2011

Officially graduated

Yesterday was my convocation. Reached at almost 9am, and lasted until 1pm. Professor Wong Sze Sze who taught me strategic management was on stage, as well as Professor Geoffrey Chua who taught me service operations. Was hoping to see Professor Henderson but she was not present.

It was good to say goodbye to my friends, Wei Cai, Wen Jie and Ruoyi, three of whom were my very first project mates in year 1. And for which our project grade was an unforgettable C+ for Accounting I.

I'm happy to leave university because it was very stressful. But I am sad to leave because student life is really "own time own target." I can skip school anytime I like, and just be present for the exams.

My 'ou ou' ken was my photographer of the day. Mum, sis, ken and I had our lunch at MCD before heading home.

Nothing beats having a long nap after having woken up so early.

Went Marina Square for a graduation treat to Cafe de Waraku by my dearest friend. Watched NDP preview fireworks along Esplanade Drive.

Now that I am officially graduated, it marks the beginning of my working life. The thought of working a long way towards retirement scares me to the max.