I am getting very fed up with the washing machine because no matter how I wash, the shirts are always sticked with bits and pieces of tissue-like substance.
Went to the laundry shop to get my bedsheet washed, before heading for guan qian street with ken and wl.
Went to a bookshop and I was amused at the thought of looking for japanese language book instead of learning how to speak and write better Chinese language when I am in China!
Wl, on the other hand, was so engrossed in finding her French book. She wanted to go France for exchange, while I badly wanted to go Tokyo, but the high expenses put me off.
Bought this for only 36 rmb
Yesterday before knocking off, there came 2 boxes of lanterns with LED light from taiwan tourism board. Very cute tiger, so I took 10 packets home. In each packet there is a guide sheet to enable us to assemble it ourselves...
Oh! Sis told me the coming Tiger year is WHITE tiger, which is bad because it is "beh hor!" So must wear black underwear~~
Shall sleep soon.