I hate ma droopy eyebags! musn't drink water before i go to bed anymore. or was it due to too much reading? or slept too much during the day? impossible.
had a treacherous tanning session yesterday. de sun was directly above mi. no clouds. yet i stayed motionless for an hour. now ma skin feels like tearing apart. but am happi cos i got back ma tanline.
then went for a joyride yesterday. wind was quite cool so it brightened ma night? watched mariah carey's dvd. din noe she's so plump. her thigh's totalli like pig's trotter. but thankfulli she's got a beautiful face and powerful voice.
onli started raining today as i had predicted. initialli we planned for a swim. but stayed indoor, had brunch, read ma notes b4 heading to marina square at 3pm plus.

Sunny side up, please... cos i hate the rain =(