Had dinner at airport t3 kopitiam, of fish sliced soup wif mee suah. feeling sick. so had dat one. on normal days, give mi soup base n i'll juz lose ma appetite.
conrad came later n off we went to vivo. saw tis european dolls at a shop which looked eerie to mi. n saw a ship model of queen mary 2 which i wanted to buy but decided not to coz looked kiddish to mi?

snapped a photo of tis freedom of de seas cruise liner of royal caribbean. it's been a long time since i've taken a proper cruise line. de superstar series of star cruises oredi bored mi.

had ma swiss pastry n camomile tea wif honey (coz i'm having sore throat) at marche. Will i get to eat more of tis in swiss?

I wanted to watch plane landing, so we returned to changi. wanted to stop at a corner facing de runway but a guard post has been erected there so we cud longer do so. sian. de sound of planes taking off excites mi to de max. aviation enthu?
gone is another saturday.